Ground Protection Mats
A Portable, Stable Substrate.
When contractors need to get vehicles and equipment across grass or turf lawns, or other soft substrates, they run the risk of causing rutting or damage which has to be repaired. In addition, boggy areas and wet soil can cause vehicles to get stuck or even slip and lose control which could cause damage to the vehicle or property. Stabilizing substrates is an important part of site preparation which can be easily accomplished using Ground Protection Mats (GPM).
These construction protection mats that are built in 4’ x 8’ sections which lock together using simple connecting hardware. Once the Ground Protection Mats are connected, they are ready for use and can support up to 80 tons of pressure depending on the substrate. This modular construction matting is ideal for temporary roads and providing vehicle access over sensitive or soft substrates. Ground Protection Mats are durable and can be reused for 10+ years. The ground matting can also be cleaned to avoid cross contamination of invasive species between job sites. Install, relocate, and easily clean your access matting with Ground Protection Mats.
Recent Case Studies
Mat Size
4' x 8'
1/2" Mat + 0.375” Cleat (0.875" Total)
Mat Weight
88 lbs (40 kg)
Max Weight
200 psi, depending on subsurface conditions
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) with UV inhibitor and anti-static properties.
Socket Size
1 5/16"
Ground Protection Mats Can Prevent Access Road Rutting & Operational Delays.
Using Ground Protection Mats, contractors avoid rutting, prevent delays, protect soft substrates and keep the job on time and in budget. Provide reliable access to vehicles, equipment, and workers to the jobsite. Create a staging area to park vehicles and equipment and keep grass and lawns protected. When high vehicle to pedestrian traffic is expected, Ground Protection Mats are the solution to ground protection hazards.
GPMs are made from High-Density Polyethlene which is extremely durable and can flex under stress. As opposed to plywood or timber mats, HDPE can be easily cleaned to avoid bringing seeds of invasive species out of the job site ensuring best practices are followed throughout multiple project lifecycles. Invasive species can be extremely difficult to remove. By using high performing products that lower costs, reduce delays, avoid environmental hazards, contractors can offer better estimates and solutions to their clients.
Ground Protection Mats (GPM) can be used as:
Tire rutting can cause vehicles to get stuck. Projects with muddy roads can produce costly delays and vehicle damage. Preparing the site with temporary road access mats and ground protection mats can prevent these issues and allow vehicles and equipment to access the job site without risk.
Using plywood sheets to protect the ground is a temporary solution that requires regular maintenance. While plywood sheets are readily available, FODS composite Ground Protection Mats offer a cost effective solution that can outlast plywood and provide ongoing savings.
Muddy roads often lead to vehicles getting stuck. Plywood is placed in front of the tires to attempt to free the vehicle. Ground Protection Mats (GPM) prevent rutting by creating a stable substrate that is immune to rutting. Ground Protection mats are bolted together to avoid separation on soft substrates.
FODS Ground Protection Mats link together to form the shape of staging area or access road that is needed. Easily unbolt and reuse on the next job site. The mats can be easily cleaned after working in areas with invasive species or souces of contamination.
Composite Ground Protection Mat Use Cases
FODS Ground Protection Mats used at laydown yard with the pedestrian side on top to establish an access area for a fork lift. The mats are connected together to provide a stable access area for moving products and materials around the yard.
Laydown Access Mats
Ground Protection Mats have been used on outdoor storage areas or lay-down yards to provide easy access for equipment and vehicles. Ground Protection Mats lock together to provide any shape needed for the size of the lay-down yard entrance.
Pedestrian traction shown on mats installed in outdoor storage laydown yard. The mats connect with hardware to provide a layout that fits the access points of your laydown yard. The nonporous Ground Protection Mats provide a long lasting access zone for outdoor storage areas.
Product or equipment can be stored on top of the ground protections mats to be kept away from soil or water. Using the Ground Protection Mats can help to create a safe storage area for products and materials and provide additional protection from the elements. The non-porous Ground Protection Mats are easy to keep clean and dry.
The mats have both a flat pedestrian traction pattern and a vehicle traction pattern which can be used for various tire types. The pedestrian side traction may be better suited some vehicles, specifically vehicles that use solid tires.
Call or contact us for more information.
Residential Construction Mats
Ground Protection Mats (GPM) are often used for providing access to residential construction projects where trade workers are walking and wheeling in equipment. Having stable site access in muddy conditions allows work to continue without delays. In addition, to providing site access, the mats allow vehicles to enter the work site to drop of materials, and exit without ever driving on the muddy substrate. In addition, GPM can be used to protect grass, turn, or other soft substrates without requiring aggregate to be introduced to the job site.
The mats are easy to move by hand, and weight only 88 lbs. Because Ground Protection Mats are made of HDPE, they do not rot or degrade in wet conditions. The mats are built tough to last through multiple projects, and have an expected lifespan of 10 years. When building track houses, the 4’ x 8’ GPM mats can be hand loaded onto a standard truck to be used on the next site.
Protect the substrate, prevent rutting, and save the time and money wasted on maintaining plywood access. Ground Protection Mats provide a durable, quickly deployed system which enables residential contractors to provide resilient access ways to trade workers and keep vehicles out of the mud.
Residential contractors often use Ground Protection Mats to provide access over muddy soil, turf, grass or other soft substrates. Easily drive or walk over the mats and provide access for dollies, floor grinders, cement mixers, job boxes to be rolled in to the site. GPM do not absorb water or rot and continue to function in wet and muddy conditions. Install and remove by hand, and transport with a standard pickup truck. No equipment or operators needed. Minimize the use of aggregate and reduce remediation after completion.
Remote job site using Ground Protection Mats as temporary road material to avoid rutting and stabilize the substrate for heavy equipment and vehicles. Bolts and connecting hardware is used to keep the mats locked together and stable as vehicles drive by. Supports up to 80 tons depending on substrate.
Remote Areas: Temporary Road Mats
Working in remote areas typically means dealing with poor vehicle access roads or even no existing roadways. Contractors who are building energy infrastructure, power lines, or pipelines often need to build a temporary roadway to deliver supplies and heavy equipment to the job site. Contractors build access ways using temporary road matting for vehicles as they cross soft soil, grass and other sensitive substrates.
Construction matting is also used to create construction pads or staging areas on location. Cranes and excavator mats stabilize the ground beneath the legs of the equipment to avoid sinking while carrying loads. Wet weather conditions pose an additional threat to equipment that can slide and create a dangerous situation for workers and equipment. Having a stable, ridged array of mats below the equipment can help to spread out the weight and stabilize against sinking or slipping.
Equipment Access: Skid Steer Mats
Skid steers and bobcats are used on projects of all sizes and commonly are used to move dirt, supplies and materials into areas that are difficult to access with a full size vehicle. When loading supplies across an unstable, sandy or wet substrate, tires and tracks can slip and the equipment can slide to the sides of the access way. Construction matting can be used to protect the equipment as well as the substrate below. Using GPM as skid steer mats can help make the access way more stable and prevent track slipping, rutting, spilling of materials, or even property damage. GPM also provides a layer of protection for curbs and sidewalks against direct impact from vehicles and equipment. While plywood and steel plates can also be used to provide access and stabilize the substrate, there is a tradeoff between durability and portability. GPM strikes a balance between these an provides contractors a durable, water proof solution that is easy to relocate and transport to the next job.
Ground Protection Mats are extremely durable and lightweight. The HDPE is also free of arsenic and does not absorb water or rot. Ground Protection Mat matting can support up to 80 tons of weight depending on the substrate and yet can also bend to avoid cracking. The mats are embedded with a diamond pattern of nubs which provide traction to vehicles and can also be turned over to provide a pattern better suited for pedestrian traffic. GPM are ideal for construction projects where small equipment such as skid steers are moving across unstable substrates and prevents soft soil from rutting. The mats are quickly assembled and linked together into any configuration needed to fit the job. With a 10+ year lifespan, the Ground Protection Mats offer a significant return on investment for contractors around the world.
Skid steers and other vehicles often travel through tough terrains to move dirt, gravel and material into place for construction projects. Skid Steer Mats help to stabilize wet, sandy, or other unstable substrates to provide stability in tight spaces and wherever there is risk for equipment to get stuck.
Ground Protection Mats link together to form a stable ridged platform. Made of HDPE, the mats do not absorb water or rot. The weight, performance, rigidity is constant through wet or dry conditions. An arsenic free manufacturing process allows GPM to be used where plywood is prohibited.
Construction Sites: Staging & Parking Mats
Parking or storing material on dirt or another soft substrate is a muddy problem waiting to happen. A critical part of site preparation is safely staging your equipment, suppiles, and vehicles on a stable substrate. When working on loose soil and undeveloped land, creating a stabilized parking and staging pad can vehicles from getting stuck in the mud and require towing or causing costly delays. To avoid getting vehicles and equipment stuck in the mud or rutting the staging area, construction mats can be used to create a large parking or staging pad where the crew can store vehicles and material without fear of inclement weather.
Portable restroom areas also receive high foot traffic and can create muddy conditions quickly. Ground Protection Mats can stabilize the substrate under and around portable restrooms to maintain an accessible environment throughout the project.
Ground Protection Mats interlock to form any shape or size of staging area needed. Using secure bolts to and plates to secure the corners of the parking mats together, the system can be formed into one large staging mat or parking mat. The area can then be safely used for storage, parking or operating equipment and vehicles.
Grass And Turf: Lawn Protection Mats
With all the work that goes into growing and maintaing lawns, damaging lawns, grass and even turf can be an expensive repair. Soft grassy areas and turf lawns require stabilization to avoid damage vehicles drive over. Wet or damp soil is more easily damaged, but even in dry conditions, excessive vehicle traffic will leave tracks of dead grass. High slopes and heavy loads or trailers can cause more force to be exerted by vehicles as they drive over the grass causing slipping or rutting. Lawn protection or grass protection mats can provide the stability needed during wet seasons, or to protect grass from heavy vehicle traffic or vehicle parking over extended periods.
Ground Protection Mats can be used as grass protection mats to protect the lawn and prevent construction traffic from causing damage. GMP’s provide traction for vehicles as they drive and pull trailers or equipment without ripping through the grass or turf underneath. GPM’s can also be used to create a staging area or as parking mats for grass and turf areas when vehicles must remain on the soft substrate for long durations.
Lawn rutting is a major problem on both residential and commercial job sites. Vehicles staging on or traveling across grass and turf can leave a path of damage in the substrate. When the project is over, damaged grass must be reseeded or remediated to stabilized the soil. With Ground Protection Mats, the impact of vehicles and equipment on the substrate is reduced, and remediation work minimized or eliminated.
Every Ground Protection mat has two sides with different texture patterns. The pedestrian side is designed for boots and footwear when the mats are being used as a temporary sidewalk or other outdoor flooring application. GPM mats can link together into any shape needed for parking, walkways, outdoor kitchen flooring, stabilized staging areas, and more.
Large Events: Event Flooring Mats
Concerts, stadiums, fairs, and weddings and other outdoor gatherings often use event flooring mats. While the top side of the GPM has a stamped pattern for vehicle tire traction, the other side has a pattern that is designed for pedestrian traffic. Muddy walkways can be avoided by stabilized high traffic routes and can prevent grass damage and damage to the soil. Keep the walkways clear and event goes out of the mud with GPM.
Outdoor events also may use Ground Protection Mats as parking mats for grass and other soft substrates. Using parking mats can reduce damage when vehicles are stationed for one or more days and can provide stability after rain.
Besides, adding stability to parking areas and walkways, events typically require stabilized areas for gatherings or structures. Stage speakers and equipment can be kept out of the dirt and mud by using the mats to build platforms. Central areas such as kitchens and dining can also benefit from having a stable floor in place. As mats are linked together, they form a single area built to suit the needs of each unique floor layout.
Contact us today to discuss your event needs.
Phone: 844-200-3637
Ground Protection Mat Installation
The connecting hardware consists of square metal plates that are bonded to four bolts. The mats are laid on top of the plates, and the bolts line up with holes in the corners of the mats. The perimeter of the mat layout connects with similar plates which have two bolts.
A simple wrench or drill is the only tool needed to connect the mats together. The threaded bolts are secured with nuts which also prevent the bolts from protruding above the mats. The mats can be installed in any layout, and can be easily removed or relocated.